News / The development trend of smart rearview mirrors will become a reality.

The development trend of smart rearview mirrors will become a reality.

The development trend of smart rearview mirrors will become a reality.



Smart Mirrors are nothing new, and the topic of the product is still hot, but the lack of an expected explosion in shipments has left the market looking like an embarrassment of riches. There are many manufacturers for the intelligent rear-view mirror enthusiasm as well as before, the intelligent rear-view Mirror seems to be caught in a “misnomer” plight, it is possible to “make a comeback”?

The current situation of intelligent rear-view mirror is caused by comprehensive reasons. Consumer experience, product price, and other aspects will have an impact on market consumption. The makers of smart mirrors will have to dig deeper into product development to figure out what features users really need, rather than relying on gimmicks that pile up useless features on SMART MIRRORS So as to constantly improve the market environment.

The intellectualization is the general trend for the automobile electronic products, at the moment when the market position of the intelligent rear-view mirror is a little bit awkward, under the plight of the intelligent rear-view Mirror that “does not live up to its name”, every manufacturer is bucking the trend and actively researching and improving the product problem It’s precisely because of this trend.

Many brands are actively addressing product-side issues. Both in-house and in-house chip solutions have come a long way, giving us a glimpse of the industry’s promise and its future. The smart rear-view Mirror has been criticized high prices are also all the way down, so that the smart rear-view mirror is no longer high, closer to the expectations of end consumers, so that the smart rear-view mirror can be more rapid popularity. Here we from the intelligent rearview mirror the most commonly used two functions to illustrate the intelligent rear view mirror trend.

This trend is even more predictable in terms of the specific features of the product, such as the common navigation features of intelligent rear-view Mirrors, which are easier and more convenient to use, and map data upgrades are also very fast And some mapping data providers have customized maps of car mirrors for smart mirrors, which are better suited to the navigation features of smart mirrors, such as when a call is interrupted and the phone is answered Missed junctions happen from time to time. The navigation of the intelligent rear-view mirror is not easily interrupted.

Voice-controlled human-computer interaction is also a proof of the trend of intelligent rear-view Mirror, and its voice control is used more frequently and has a better experience than the voice interaction on mobile phones As long as the car fire smart rearview mirror is also synchronous boot operation, a car can give the smart rearview mirror down voice commands, through its voice control function can achieve navigation, send wechat voice, look for restaurants, cinemas, KTV, etc. Check the weather forecast, check the stock market, these functions are not to delay your driving synchronization of the situation.

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