Common FAQ
Technical FAQ
Tracksolid/SIM Card FAQ
Why is the device offline?

If you are using Asset Tracker or Personal Tracker series, there will be power saving mode in which the device will be sleeping during fixed time interval. Please confirm if the device is in those modes. Another issue would be the signal strength around the device. If the device is deep down at a parking lot, or surrounded by crowded buildings, tunnels, the signal would be worse than usual, and the odds that device go offline would be higher. You can also cross-check with your cellphone for the signal coverage. Check the installation. Please do not install the device where

Why I can’t get a GPS location update?

Please make sure you are not testing the device indoor. In some area like inside the buildings, thick forests, in the garage or parking lot, GPS signal will be too weak to fix a location. But there will be LBS or WIFI positioning available, according to different devices. When the car is parked or the device is not moving for a while, it will not update location. If you wish the device update locations at all time, please refer to the command lists, or contact Jimi staff. Some trackers may have their logics to shutdown GPS module for power saving.

How does the Jimi GPS Tracker work?

Our GPS Tracking devices contain two modules: 1. GPS module: This module will allow the locator device to get its location from the GPS satellites. 2. Cellular module: This module acts almost as a cell phone. It transmits the information received from the GPS module to the cellular networks and from there to our servers.Once the information is received in our servers, special software processes it and presents it to you in our GPS Tracking web system.

What affects GPS accuracy?

Many factors affect how accurate your GPS is. The atmosphere, the ionosphere and the position of your receiver could all affect GPS accuracy. Any buildings, natural structures or heavy foliage that obstructs the GPS’ view of the sky may decrease the position accuracy.

I am unable to get my first location for more than 2 minutes, what could be the problem?

1. There should be no nearby tall buildings or houses. 2. Antenna signal will not pass through metallic or magic type tint. 3. Vehicle should not be moving when trying to get your first fix. 4. Units should not be placed or covered behind metal objects. 5. Acquiring your first location should take only 30 seconds to 1 minute with a good GPS signal in the area. Should the acquiring of a signal take too long, simply remove the unit’s power and re-insert it again – this re-starts the search process.

Why are my Maps not displaying?

If the GSM network is available,your device will turn to LBS location when you enter the builiding , the accuracy not accurate as GPS location. Once outside and get GPS singals, it will start to upload your GPS location again. The same applies to tunnels.

What to do when the platform doesn’t update location?

Issue command “check location” on the platform to query new location. If the location returned deviate from the location displayed on the platform, that means something is wrong with the platform. Please contact us for support.

What types of tracking systems are there?

There are two types of GPS Tracking Systems: a. Real Time tracking systems: This type of system will collect the information of the vehicle and send it immediately or every 30 seconds to the servers that will process the information. This type of system is ideal when it is a priority to have an on-line, instant control of the vehicles activities. b. Passive tracking systems: This type of system will collect the information of the vehicle and store in the memory of the GPS device. It is ideal for those cases when requirements are less strict.

How will the IoT device need to be accessed, managed, and monitored by authorized people, processes, and other devices?

Besidescontrollingdevicephysically,onlydevice’sownercanremotelycontrolthedeviceviaTracksolid PROapplication. There is an authentication mechanism in application to prevent unauthorized user to control device. All remote communications are protected using cryptographic methods to ensure only device’s owner has the permission forcontrolling. Only customers can control the device, manufacturer can manage the running status of the device and provide upgrades.

How might the IoT device’s use of device cybersecurity capabilities be interfered with by the device’s operational or environmental characteristics?

After the device is powered on, there is a certain time threshold for binding, which may have the security risks brought by the long-term opening of Bluetooth broad casting and AP hot spots. The device will turn off Bluetooth broadcast or AP hotspot after a certain period (default is 5 minutes, determined by business). If using a publicly accessible network to connect the device with Jimi cloud, it needs to ensure that the network state is secure. OTA updates have a breakpoint continuation mechanism and the ability to roll back a previously available state. At unattended state, the IoT device

What is the degree of trust in the IoT device that customers may need?

Communication protocols follow the principles of confidentiality, integrity and availability. There is an authentication mechanism for communication between device and APP, device and cloud, and cloud and APP. The session key is obtained through TLS1.2 handshake. TLS 1.2 is used for integrity verification during data transmission. And local data is stored in encryption, such as the account and password of AP is encrypted with Root Key, which is derived from the IMEI of the chip hardware. In general, Jimi uses strong secure cryptographic algorithms and secure protocol to protect all the traffic between device and cloud, device and application.

How do you protect the configuration from unauthorized modification?

The debug interface has been closed, and unauthorized users cannot access it, and Wi-Fi and BLE interface can’t be access without authorization. 1.Physical protection: There isn’t any external interfaces on device that allows reading / writing firmware data or configuration data. 2.Network connection protection: There is authentication mechanisms sitting in both cloud, application and device to prevent any malicious/unauthenticated connections.

Does the device generate logs or notifications of security events? List the types of security events that are generated. If not, can the device indicate a cybersecurity status (e.g., through notifications)? List the status information.

The module has a log reporting mechanism, which only supports error log reporting at present. The crash log includes the connection fail info of the router or server, etc. The mechanism is not a real-time reporting. After login on the server, upload the crash log. And the log data can be viewed through the backend.

Who can review the logs or notifications? Please describe the authentication and authorization procedures to protect the logs and notifications from unauthorized access?

if different storages are used, please describe the authentication and authorization procedures respectively. Due to limited local storage capacity, the device does not store log information locally, but uploads it to cloud storage through an encrypted channel. In the cloud service, only the database management account has the authority to view log information. If the account is not authorized, access to the device log information is prohibited.

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