FAQ / NISTIR 8259 FAQ / How will updates be made available or delivered? Will there be notifications when updates are available or applied?

How will updates be made available or delivered? Will there be notifications when updates are available or applied?

How will updates be made available or delivered? Will there be notifications when updates are available or applied?


The Redstone upgrade application is built into the device. When the
device is powered on, the upgrade program will run automatically after the
device is restarted, and actively initiate a request to access the Redstone
server to detect whether there is an upgrade task.

• If there is an upgrade task, it will
download the firmware upgrade package.

• After the firmware upgrade package is
downloaded, the program will first check the integrity of the upgrade package.
If the firmware version integrity check is successful, it will notify the
system to perform the upgrade.

• When the system receives the notification of
the upgrade action, it will verify the system signature of the upgrade package.
After the system signature verification is successful, it will execute the
upgrade action.

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