FAQ / NISTIR 8259 FAQ / How might the IoT device’s use of device cybersecurity capabilities be interfered with by the device’s operational or environmental characteristics?

How might the IoT device’s use of device cybersecurity capabilities be interfered with by the device’s operational or environmental characteristics?

How might the IoT device’s use of device cybersecurity capabilities be interfered with by the device’s operational or environmental characteristics?


After the device is powered on, there is a certain
time threshold for binding, which may have the security risks brought by the
long-term opening of Bluetooth broad casting and AP hot spots. The device will
turn off Bluetooth broadcast or AP hotspot after a certain period (default is 5
minutes, determined by business).

If using a publicly accessible network to connect
the device with Jimi cloud, it needs to ensure that the network state is
secure. OTA updates have a breakpoint continuation mechanism and the ability to
roll back a previously available state.

unattended state, the IoT device is vulnerable to physical attack. But the
risks of products are manageable because of their work environment is inside
the car and the installation is covered.

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